Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm slighty drunk and my neck hurts

There really isn't much to say about that sort of thing, but let me go there anyway!

I took a mental holiday today and stayed home from my work as a corporate pee-on today.  I slept until noon, and hoped to go to the zoo (because I love cute things in a way that is both ridiculous and unexplainable), but fell asleep again and had fevered dreams until 5 p.m.

Having totally missed the acceptable time for not-being-seen-while-doing-things-while-not-actually-sick during the work day, I opted instead to watch cartoons with a bottle of my favorite wine.  The result is that I've been eating potato chips, plan to eat more, have a crick in my neck, am a touch *cough* drunk and felt like i should FINALLY start a real blog.

So there you go, that is the best intro I have to me.  HI YALL, I'M WEIRD AUNT BECKY!
Now, please make me feel better by telling me your stories of 'inappropriate' drunkenness.

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